Standards are higher, we want to hire people that are updated, web and technology savvy and understands marketing. It's not only about resume and how many years you worked at your previous job. Here are some principles of the personality branding in the new media era:
1. we are the product! we should build and mange our own brand. Online personality branding should be taught throughout disciplines at universities. A graduate student should start focusing on creating his brand and it's time to ditch the resume...
2. From the brand value – cool, organized or detailed oriented, what are the characteristics that describes you the most or you wish to be associated with? it should be strategically considered based on your life and professional goals, character and strengths.
3. Distribution channels – your connections through social networking such as LinkedIn, facebook and Twitter, who are your friends and how well connected you are – it all will play a major role of your success. Building a wide, relevant network will be a career key success factor.
4. Promotion – being active on the web. This is our playground and it will be more comprehensive throughout all our parts of life. In other words, having a blog, initiating topics of discussion on Twitter, commenting on posts with wide exposure are some of the ways to be active and promote you personality brand online.
with a successful personality brand you are likely to win the jackpot – cool career and friends! so, It's time to set your mind on branding yourself...