A survey (http://tinyurl.com/cmlvjb) in the US revealed some facts about Twitter users:
- 11% of online adults use Twitter or update their status online
- overwhelmingly young - 19% online adults ages 18 to 24 have ever used Twitter, as have 20% of online adults 25 to 34.
- the median age of a Twitter user is 31. In comparison, the median age of a MySpace user is 27, Facebook user is 26 and LinkedIn user is 40.
- Twitter users are slightly more racially and ethnically diverse than is the full U.S (big time globalization)
- Twitter users are also slightly more likely to live in urban areas, with 35% of Twitter users living in urban areas (compared to 29% of all Internet users)
- Wireless Internet users are also more likely to be users of Twitter and other status updating services
- The use of Twitter is highly intertwined with the use of other social media; both blogging and social network use increase the likelihood that an individual also uses Twitter.
- 27% of bloggers Twitter, compared with just 10% of those who do not keep a blog. Overall, 13% of Internet users have created a blog.
- Twitter users are more mobile in their communication and consumption of information. Twitter users are also significant consumers of blog content; 21% read someone else’s blog “yesterday” and 57% of Twitterers have ever read a blog