The Nokia N97 is making a buzz at the Mobile World Congress. The new N series device will be launched in the first half of 2009.
Looks interesting and prestigious could have been a bit thicker and is definitely looks similar to Nokia 5800. It has 5 megapixels camera, but isn’t it time for 8 megapixels device following Sony Erickson and Samsung? It has Qwerty keypad, which is great, and the screen is 3.5 inches.
Also, the mobile computer, the term Nokia uses, has multiple sensors, processing power and connection speeds – “for people to create a personal Internet and share their social location”. Social networking applications are one of the most popular issues at the congress this year and operators around the world and considering actions and tactics to address the issue and increase ARPU from social networking usage on the mobile.
N series devices are the flagship products of the company and N97 is expected to replace the N95, which was a major success worldwide. Would the N97 be as successful? Time will tell…taking into consideration the intense and crowded market and the fact that Nokia is no longer a leading innovative player, 2009 might be a period for the company to focus even more on low end devices in developing markets.