Spikko enables you to send free SMS from PC to mobile. Spikko solution doesn't require any downloads (telemessage, Triplay) and it's simple and straightforward. Just create a new email to number@spikkosms.com.
The interesting part is the cooperation with the operator. the SMS from PC to mobile is free but the reply SMS is charged for a lower fee than standard SMS fees. The business model is based on rev share between Spikko and the operator.
I like it because there is a value for the consumer - free SMS and attractive fee for the reply SMS. The operator is gaining a new market that is already there and now is leveraging it. Sppiko with it's creative, simple product can create interesting cooperations. I real challenge for Spikko now is to bring users and for this they either need the collaboration of the operator (I wouldn't count on it) or smartly promote it through viral marketing, SEM, PR and affiliate marketing.
The interesting part is the cooperation with the operator. the SMS from PC to mobile is free but the reply SMS is charged for a lower fee than standard SMS fees. The business model is based on rev share between Spikko and the operator.
I like it because there is a value for the consumer - free SMS and attractive fee for the reply SMS. The operator is gaining a new market that is already there and now is leveraging it. Sppiko with it's creative, simple product can create interesting cooperations. I real challenge for Spikko now is to bring users and for this they either need the collaboration of the operator (I wouldn't count on it) or smartly promote it through viral marketing, SEM, PR and affiliate marketing.