Apple proves again the successful strategy of connecting Technology and Art. They set the trend of small, designed, white color devices with the iPod and now expanding the category to laptops while keeping the core values of the brand. I'm not going to be surprised if they are considering more colors for the air similar to the iPod…
On the downside I can see that the battery is not user replaceable, no dedicated graphics, 1 USB, Mono Speakers and the dear price of $1799 for 1.6Ghz and$3000 for 1.8GHz. Customers could hesitate after the price drop of the iPhone and wait a few months with their purchasing decision. It should be a warning announcement for Apple credibility if it happens again.
For design savvy, gadgets freaks and tech early adopters it's the ultimate laptop (until the next version of course) and I tend to believe that this is going to be a hit for Apple, oops they did it again…